Musiliu Akinsanya, widely known as MC Oluomo, recently shared a statement amidst ongoing discussions about his removal as the National President of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW).
According to Drivetvnews, the Court of Appeal invalidated MC Oluomo’s emergence as the union’s president, reaffirming Tajudeen Baruwa as the re-elected leader of the NURTW.
Last week, the Southwest Zone of the NURTW elected MC Oluomo as the new National President during the Quadrennial Delegate Conference held at the union’s Zonal Secretariat in Osogbo, Osun State.
On Tuesday, MC Oluomo took to Instagram to announce his return to his office in Abuja, emphasizing that he would not be distracted. He expressed determination to face challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve success.
In his post, he wrote:
Refocused. Recharged. Ready to Rock!
I’m back to work, primed to:
Tackle ALL challenges head-on
Crush my goals with precision and passion
Make today count with purpose and productivity
Opportunities, obstacles, successes – I’m ready!
Today’s mindset: FOCUSED, DRIVEN, UNSTOPPABLE. Watch me SOAR! – MC Oluomo.”