In a dramatic turn of events, Tunji Balogun, commonly known as Tee Billz, a prominent figure in the music industry and the estranged husband of singer Tiwa Savage, has issued a stern warning to Davido, expressing his intent to teach him “a lesson” for what he perceives as disrespect towards his family.Expressing his dismay, Tee Billz highlighted the affection he, Tiwa Savage, and their son, Jamil, exhibited towards Davido’s first daughter, Imade, only to be met with what he described as disrespect towards his own family.Although Tee Billz didn’t specify the exact incident that led to his outrage, he vowed that his family would not tolerate any further disrespect, making it unequivocally clear that they would be the last to face such treatment.With an imminent intention to disclose more details, Tee Billz revealed that he is waiting for the conclusion of the Grammys to unravel information about the singer, suggesting a brewing storm that awaits after the prestigious music event.Taking to Instagram, Tee Billz penned a lengthy post, emphasizing the paramount importance of protecting one’s family, asserting that it is not just a responsibility but also a reflection of a man’s character and dedication. He addressed Davido directly in his post, expressing his disappointment and determination to teach the singer a lesson on behalf of his family.Making references to warnings and previous leniency, Tee Billz hinted at forthcoming revelations and life lessons concerning wealth, wisdom, and respect for Davido.This outburst from Tee Billz follows recent events where both Davido and Tiwa Savage unfollowed each other on Instagram, hinting at underlying tensions and potential rifts between the two artists.