Renowned singer Ahmed Ololade, popularly known as Asake, shared a story about being undervalued due to his excessive humility in a video circulating on social media. During a conversation with...
Renowned Yoruba actress Bisola Badmus has revealed her struggle with a brain disease known as Encephalopathy, a condition that affects mental faculties, leading to confusion and altered behavior. The disclosure...
Nigerian hip hop artist, Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable, made a striking appearance at the prestigious 2023 British Fashion Awards held at London's Royal Albert Hall on Monday. The...
Street-hop singer, Habeeb Okikiola aka Portable Zazu zeh, has stated that he must perform at the Celestial Church of God, Goshen Land Cathedral, in Lagos State, adding that he was...
Nigerian comedian and filmmaker, Ayodeji Makun, better known as AY, attributed his remarkable ascent to stardom to a blend of prayer and unwavering determination. During a recent episode of the...
Controversial Nigerian musician, Habeeb Olalomi Oyegbile, known as Portable or Dr Zeh, asserted that he is determined to perform at a praise night hosted by a Celestial Church of Christ...
Nigerian singer Babatunde Rahim, professionally known as Lyta, has expressed his desire to return to the YBNL Nation record label owned by renowned rapper, songwriter, and record executive Olamide Gbenga...
Renowned DJ, DJ Cuppy, candidly addressed her past engagement with British boxer Ryan Taylor during a recent Women in Management, Business, and Public Service (WIMBIZ) conference in London, where she...
The Benue State government has sounded an alert concerning the influx of live rats being imported into the state, raising concerns about the potential risk of a Lassa fever outbreak....
At least 18,059 individuals, which include 795 children affected by HIV/AIDS, are currently undergoing treatment in Borno State, as disclosed by Hajiya Falmata Alhaji-Bukar, the Executive Secretary of Borno State...