Umara, a student enrolled at a university in New Delhi, was involved in a violent clash resulting in the death of a Chinese national. The incident occurred at a nightclub where Umara allegedly struck the man with a bottle following a dispute over a woman they both were interested in. Umara Zulum Umara, the son of Governor Babagana Umara Zulum of Borno State, was subsequently arrested in connection with the incident.
Sources close to the family revealed that the clash took place while Governor Zulum was abroad attending a workshop in Pakistan with other state governors. They also disclosed a historical precedent, citing a similar incident involving Governor Zulum himself when he was of a similar age, further noting a controversial past involving his family’s public lifestyle in Borno State.
Efforts were made by Governor Zulum to mediate the situation upon hearing of the incident, including engaging with the deceased’s family and seeking diplomatic intervention through Nigerian officials. However, Indian authorities maintained that the incident was a matter of national concern, resulting in Umara’s continued detention pending legal proceedings.
Due to this incident, Umara had also been involved in legal issues, notably being detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission earlier for alleged financial infractions, though the matter was reportedly resolved under ambiguous circumstances. Governor Zulum’s office declined to comment on the matter when approached for clarification.