Veteran Nollywood actor Ibrahim Chatta has inspired many with his story about funding his extensive film village project in Oyo State. According to Drivetvnews, Chatta disclosed that he invested N1.4 billion into the project entirely from his own resources, without resorting to loans.
In a recent video, Chatta explained that during the COVID-19 pandemic, he made money while collaborating with his colleague, Tayo Sobola, during the lockdown. He admitted that he had never previously offered shout-outs but began doing so as a means to earn additional income. Each shout-out earned him N300k, and demand was high at that time.
Chatta revealed in the video that he had no savings when he initiated the project but believed it was the right time, guided by faith. He expressed that he made a promise to God to trust in divine provision, and he felt that God fulfilled this promise. He also mentioned owning another plot of land where construction was incomplete due to financial constraints. In one of his properties, construction had only reached the lintel level, and he was praying for funds to finish it.
In the video, the actor conveyed his gratitude to God, noting that assistance came at a time when many others in the industry were overlooked. Chatta also highlighted that he does not view himself as superior to his peers in terms of acting skills.
Last week, images of the film village, including aerial and interior views, were widely shared online.