Tope Maggie, a renowned chef based in Ogbomoso, is on a mission to surpass the current Guinness World Record held by Irish Chef Alan Fisher, who boasts 119 hours and 57 minutes of continuous cooking at his restaurant in Japan.
Currently embarking on a remarkable 200-hour Cook-a-thon, Chef Tope Maggie presides over Tope’s Kitchen in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, where the culinary marathon is underway.
Amidst cheers from friends, customers, families, and Ogbomoso residents, Chef Tope Maggie receives commendations and encouragement as he takes on this extraordinary cooking challenge at the Ogbomoso Recreation Club.
Dr. Akin Oladeji John Brown, the Chairman of the Ogbomoso Recreation Club, expresses optimism that Chef Tope Maggie’s Cook-a-thon will not only break records but also bring prestige to Ogbomoso, Oyo State, and Nigeria as a whole.
With half of the 200-hour Cook-a-thon successfully completed, Chef Tope Maggie is on the brink of setting a new Guinness World Record. Will he achieve this culinary milestone? Stay tuned to DriveTvNews for the thrilling updates on Chef Tope Maggie’s Cook-a-thon Experience.