Two lives were abruptly cut short, and four others faced varying degrees of injury in a devastating car crash that unfolded on the Lagos-Badagry Expressway. The grim incident, which transpired...
Jemima Shetima Balami, a second-year Diploma student currently undertaking industrial attachment at Adamawa State Television in Yola, tragically ended her own life. The 24-year-old, who was the sole daughter of...
On Saturday, the "Justice for Sylvester Oromoni Jr." group urged the Lagos State Government to expedite legal proceedings surrounding the tragic death of a Dowen College student. Coordinator Mr. Regent...
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) is actively seeking former beauty queen Ms. Aderinoye Queen Christmas, also known as Ms. Queen Oluwadamilola Aderinoye, in connection to alleged illicit drug...
Olamilekan Odofin, previously declared wanted for his involvement in a violent incident on January 9, 2023, has been officially arrested by the Lagos State Police Command. Alongside others posing as...
Henry Okello Oryem's recent comments have been widely criticized as insensitive. In 2022, over 2,200 people in north-east Uganda succumbed to starvation and related illnesses, according to an official human...
A private jet, with 10 individuals on board, including VIPs, experienced a crash landing in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State. The incident unfolded around 11 am at the Samuel...
In the wake of the Gbagada kidnapping incident that gained traction on X (formerly Twitter) barely three weeks ago, a new wave of insecurity has surfaced in the Alapere area...
Mr. Aku Bakari, a government employee, brought his wife, Mary, before a Customary Court in Nyanya on Friday, accusing her of excessive involvement in church activities.Residing in Nyanya, Abuja, the...
A 19-year-old resident of the Brewery area in Abeokuta, Adeola Saheed, has been sentenced to six months imprisonment by an Abeokuta Magistrates Court. He was found guilty of conspiracy, indecent...