An armed robber, known as Bob Jay, met a tragic end on Friday night when he accidentally fell into an uncovered well shortly after raiding a student hostel at the University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), Okuku campus, with his accomplices. The incident, which occurred around midnight, involved the robbers forcibly entering the hostel and assaulting students, according to Regina, a student at the university who recounted the harrowing experience to Drivetvnews.
“They arrived around midnight, several of them. They robbed all the students in Okuku hostel. They stabbed one student and injured another with a blunt object before making off with phones, laptops, and other valuables,” Regina recounted.
Following the robbery, one of the criminals fell into a nearby well while attempting to flee with their loot. The well, which lacked a cover, was commonly used by students for water-related chores, Regina explained.
“It wasn’t until dawn, when students came to fetch water, that they discovered the man’s lifeless body inside the well. They raised an alarm, and members of the community responded, identifying him as one of the robbers, reportedly named Bob Jay from Mbube, a nearby village,” Regina added.
Authorities were promptly notified and arrived to retrieve the deceased’s body. As of now, no other members of the gang have been apprehended, although a phone found in the deceased robber’s pocket may provide clues once it is examined.