Nigerian musician Paul Nonso Okoye, widely known as Rudeboy, has officially announced the dissolution of the music group Psquare for the second time. This announcement follows the group's initial split...
Nkechi Blessing, a prominent movie star, has ignited an online discussion with a recent video she shared on her social media account addressing President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Once a devoted...
Nigerian skit maker Denilson Igwe recently disclosed that his social media accounts, including YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, were hacked during the week he departed from Mark Angel Comedy. Since the...
Nigerian skit creator Denilson Igwe has accused his former partner, Mark Angel, of fabricating a story about Emmanuella, his protégé, buying a house for her parents. In a video from...
Veteran Nollywood actor Jide Kosoko has commended President Bola Tinubu's performance during his first year in office. Kosoko affirmed that he stands by his decision to vote for Tinubu, noting...
Popular Yoruba Nollywood actor Damola Olatunji recently opened up about the end of his marriage, revealing that his ex-fiancée was impregnated by another man just weeks before their planned introduction....
Nollywood actor and producer Femi Adebayo has shed light on the incident where he slapped his father, Adebayo Salami, popularly known as Oga Bello, during a movie shoot. This event...
Bobrisky, a well-known crossdresser, is set to be released from prison on Monday after serving a six-month sentence for the crime of mutilating naira notes. The sentence was imposed in...
A Nigerian couple who recently had quadruplets has been receiving continued support from generous Nigerians, amassing a total of N19 million in their account. The financial assistance began after the...
In the midst of widespread economic hardship in Nigeria, the controversial singer Portable has expressed skepticism about the upcoming nationwide protest planned by various groups. According to Drivetvnews, many Nigerians...